First Help
A blend of flower essences working in synergy in times of crisis. When feeling: Shock, terror, stress, pain, and trauma. Positive outcome: Comfort, courage, calmness, rebalance, and strength.
Organic Brandy, Flower Essence of Cherry plum, Vervain, Star Of Bethlehem, Rock Rose, Mimulus
Healing Heart
A blend of flower essences working in synergy for carers and empaths to help give much needed support and assistance, emotionally and physically. When feeling: Over burdened, exhausted, overwhelmed, guilt, or worried. Positive outcome: Refreshed, regenerated, supported, relieved, de- stressed.
Organic Brandy, Agrimony, Gentian, Red Chestnut, White chestnut
Restful Sleep
A blend of flower essences working in synergy to support a good nights sleep. To calm a restless mind and relax the whole body system.
When feeling: Restless, anxious, reproaching ones self, panic and fear.
Positive outcome: Quietening the mind, allaying fear, feelings of peace, relaxation.
Organic Brandy, Impatiens,Rock Rose, Vervain, White Chestnut, Aspen, Mimulus
A blend of flower essences working in synergy to help support the body after prolonged work or long effort . Its also a good remedy during a long haul flight.
When feeling: exhaustion, over extended, taken on too much, depleted mentally and physically.
Positive outcome: More clarity, renewed energy, better connection to ones self, more vitality.
Organic Brandy, Elm, Olive, Hornbeam, Wild Rose
A blend of flower essences working in synergy to help support a positive move forward when feeling emotionally stuck.
When feeling: disconnected, distrust, irritability, imaptinece and lack of trust.
Positive outcome: Reconnection, trust, a letting go, renewed confidence, positivity.
Organic Brandy, Impatiens, Holly, Gentian, Heather